
Support available to quicken business and workforce transformation

We refer to the letter, “

We refer to the letter, “ ” (Dec 21). Regarding Mr Foo Sing Kheng’s query on the reasons for high job vacancies in September 2022, it is worth noting that employers are still backfilling positions vacated by non-residents during the pandemic. Overall, the number of non-residents in employment remains 3.9 per cent below pre-pandemic levels in 2019. The manufacturing and construction sector, which has a high share of non-resident workers, contributed to about one in five job vacancies in September. The rest of the job vacancies, mostly for professionals, managers, executives and technicians, are in a good mix of industries which are experiencing restructuring or reorganisation. These include growth sectors such as information and communications, financial services, professional services, and health and social services, where residents have steadily found employment. Our resident employment is now 4.4 per cent higher than pre-pandemic levels, and the resident unemployment rates remain low. While we expect the momentum of labour market improvements to ease in upcoming quarters, the majority of firms are optimistic about hiring. Findings from our recent polls show that close to 70 per cent of the firms are looking to hire in the final quarter of 2022, and this proportion has been on a slight uptrend. The Government will continue to invest in Singaporeans, and provide programmes that accelerate the pace of business and workforce transformation. For example, Workforce Singapore (WSG) offers the Support for Job Redesign under the Productivity Solutions Grant, which employers can apply for to increase the productivity and attractiveness of their jobs. WSG’s job redesign reskilling programmes also help employers upskill their employees so that they can take on a wider variety of roles. We encourage employers and employees to continue making full use of these programmes. Director, Manpower Research and Statistics Department Ministry of Manpower