
Forum: Schools take holistic approach in assessing DSA applicants

We thank Mr Jason Lee Wei Him for sharing his thoughts regarding the Direct School Admission (DSA) scheme (

We thank Mr Jason Lee Wei Him for sharing his thoughts regarding the Direct School Admission (DSA) scheme ( , Aug 26). We are also encouraged that young people like Ms Jessiree Kwok Jie Ning are actively contributing their views ( , Aug 26). Mr Lee may be heartened to know that DSA opportunities are spread across a wide array of talent areas in our schools. Our schools take a holistic and balanced approach when assessing DSA applicants, and consider both their achievements as well as their potential and personal attributes. Over the years, we have expanded DSA opportunities in all secondary schools to increase the accessibility. Our primary schools have also proactively nurtured pupils with potential, including pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds, and we have seen more of them applying for and entering their schools of choice via DSA. We share Ms Kwok’s views that DSA is only one pathway through which students can develop their strengths. Schools are committed to developing the talents and interests of our students, regardless of whether they are admitted through DSA or the PSLE/Secondary 1 posting exercise. The Ministry of Education will continue to work closely with our schools to enhance students’ opportunities to discover and develop their talents and interests throughout their education journey. Divisional Director, Student Placement and Services Ministry of Education