
Forum: Schools should schedule meal breaks at regular times

Research shows that irregular meal times can contribute to poor physical and mental well-being, leading possibly to conditions like obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.

Research shows that irregular meal times can contribute to poor physical and mental well-being, leading possibly to conditions like obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. A quick check on secondary school timetables shows that there is great variance in the way recess and breaks are scheduled. Some schools are able to schedule recess periods at consistent times but many do not.  My sons’ schools have recess breaks that are scheduled erratically and can vary in timing from day to day – about 9am one day, around 11am the next. These timings are spread over a two-week academic cycle and repeated throughout the school year. While some schools slot in little snack breaks, these breaks are short and do not allow students to eat proper meals.  We can help reduce the risk of health issues in our students by inculcating in them the habit of having regular meal times. Schools can lead the way by scheduling meal breaks at consistent times daily. Doing so is an investment in the health of our young ones and the future.