Forum: Measures in place to mitigate electric vehicle fire risks
We refer to Mr Yeo Eng Huat’s letter “
- by autobot
- Sept. 4, 2024
- Source article
Publisher object (23)
We refer to Mr Yeo Eng Huat’s letter “ ” (Aug 28). Fire incidents involving electric vehicles (EVs) have accounted for about 0.7 per cent of vehicle fires in Singapore over the past three years. International studies have shown that the rate of fire occurrence for EVs is much lower than that for internal combustion engine vehicles and hybrid vehicles. With the projected increase in EVs in Singapore, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) and Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) have been collaborating with other agencies and stakeholders to manage EV-related matters such as fire risks. In 2023, a dedicated multi-agency EV safety taskforce co-chaired by LTA and SCDF was established. Beyond ensuring that EVs meet globally recognised safety standards such as United Nations regulations, EV charging systems must also comply with Singapore’s national charging standard – Technical Reference 25 (TR25). The TR25 has been reviewed regularly to keep it abreast of the latest developments in EV charging technology. Carparks in Singapore are designed to the fire code, which requires the fire to be contained within the carpark for a stipulated minimum duration before the arrival of firefighters. For example, carparks are built with fire-rated walls and doors to contain the fire from spreading to other parts of the building. Ventilation, provided through either natural or mechanical means, disperses smoke, heat and gases emitted during a fire. For enclosed basement carparks, sprinklers are also required. These fire safety systems have to be regularly maintained and inspected. In March 2022, the SCDF mandated a requirement to provide at least one emergency main isolation shut-off switch within 15m of an EV charging station. This switch cuts off the supply to the EV charging station and the EV being charged in the event of a fire. We thank Mr Yeo for his feedback, and assure him and the public that the EV safety taskforce will continue to review the safety requirements regularly.
Group Director, Technology and Industry Development
Land Transport Authority
Group Director, Building Engineering Group
Building and Construction Authority
Fire Safety Department
Singapore Civil Defence Force