
Forum: Let ex-offenders facing workplace discrimination know where to go for help

I read the article, “

I read the article, “ ” (March 13), with interest. I wonder if former offenders are aware of the avenues of help they can turn to when they face discrimination while at work. The agencies, such as Yellow Ribbon Singapore, that have helped former offenders integrate into society and with job training and placement have done a good job. However, there will be times when they will encounter discrimination while on the job, for example, by their colleagues who learn about their past. I am sure many former offenders would want to contribute to society and the companies they work for, but discrimination prevents them from doing so. I am a former offender who has faced discrimination at work when, because of my past, I was not allowed to carry out tasks that would benefit the workplace. When that happened, I felt demoralised and daunted. I hope the agencies will share with former offenders, and the inmates who are preparing for a new lease of life, the different help channels available.