
Forum: Best for seniors to avoid upper deck when travelling on buses

I applaud bus operator Tower Transit and the driver of service 106 for their effort to ensure the safety of passengers (

I applaud bus operator Tower Transit and the driver of service 106 for their effort to ensure the safety of passengers ( , Oct 23). For the elderly, it is advisable to sit on the lower deck for ease of alighting.  Last week, I decided to go to the upper deck as the bus was crowded and seats were available only on the upper level.   I am a senior citizen in my late 70s. Climbing up the steps while holding on to the railing is not a problem for me. However, when I wanted to alight at my stop, I suddenly found myself confounded with the challenge of making my way down the steps to get to the exit.   To wait for the bus to stop completely to make my way down would take up additional seconds and cause annoyance and inconvenience to other commuters. For seniors taking public transport, safety is of paramount importance, and we can do our part to minimise the risk of injury by avoiding the upper deck of the bus.