
Category – Opinion

Wake me when the Internet of Things is over

Back in 2013, fashionable people started wearing glasses with a small but inevitably conspicuous built-in heads-up display and camera. These fashionistas were unusually distracted even for a distracted age – losing the threads of conversation, staring off into space, tilting their heads in odd ways, muttering strange commands (“take a picture”, “record a video”) and every now and again reciting impressive, if irrelevant, lists of facts magicked up from the pages of Wikipedia. The glasses were called “Google Glass”, the unfortunate creatures who wore them “Glass Explorers”. The “Glass Explorers” were soon dubbed “Glassholes”, the fad faded, and the glasses are no longer available.

The battle over a kebab’s nationality

In an essay for The Spectator in 1965, the enchantingly droll British food writer Elizabeth David related the travails of a Paris restaurant at the end of the 19th century that went out of its way to make the English dishes already on its menu even more